#15 – Grocery Store Scotch Boys Vs. The Luddites [Avro Arrow Fan Edit]

Judas a problem with hipster luddites gumming up his Instagram feed, and gives us a history lesson on Canada’s USS Liberty Incident, the Avro Arrow. They also wrap up the Jussie Smollett thing with predictions like anybody cares at this point, and the boys talk shop about branding tips and competitive marketplaces, including hot insider […]

#13 – Meat God of the Down Syndrome Blockchain [Solving Pedophilia]

Dimes flexes his limited knowledge of blockchain technology while they are trying to figure out what to do with all this pedophilia. Also, left vs. right debates suck, women are selfish with abortion, and people on the right who keep trending towards cult leaders are a real bummer. Subscribe Below to Get Access to the […]