Man Mutates Self With Creations to Conquer Entropy

ATTENTION AI CURIOUSERS: Dimes and Judas dive into the intricate process of crafting communications for perfect replication and the marriage of human and machine, citing book “The Human Use of Human Beings” by Norbert Weiner. This draws distinct parallels between the human brain and cybernetics regarding the divine purpose of creating messages that defy the […]

#178: Abortionocaustolypse Carpaccio [“Forming of her soft footfalls in public or the entire world”]

A day late and a dollar richer, Dimes and Judas get around to rounding up all the Roe V. Wade opinions that are fit to print and wade into more conspiratorial waters as is demanded by the Economy of Takes. They also discuss the anti-responsibility horror movie Men and body-horror bureaucracy blockbuster Crimes of the […]