The Erotic Human Sacrifice Monetary Theory

The BOLG Boyz dive back into trippy esoterinomics by reviewing the book “The Accursed Share” by Georges Bataille, where they stablish the inevitability of surplus in economic systems, the expansive history of wealth accumulation, and what we can learn from human sacrifice and occult violence to deal with it. Should we utilize economic hyperdeath? Just […]

Swami Antichrist vs. Christian Nationalism vs. Cow & Chicken

Dimes and Judas explore the infiltration of America by Eastern spiritualism throughout the 20th century with the book “Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future” by Seraphim Rose. Here a strong case is made that nihilism has spread throughout American society through the counterculture movement by adopting foreign spiritualism and grafting it onto the dominant […]


Using mechanized child-rearing as a jumping off point, Dimes and Judas dive deep into modern Marxist theory while reviewing the book “Incontinence of the Void” by Slavoj Žižek, exploring the connective tissue with the modern Dissident Right’s obsession with ontological realness as well as all the really trippy stuff about metaphysical sexualization. What can we […]

Dawn of the Spiteful Mutants

Dimes and Judas discuss the book “Spiteful Mutants” by Prof. Edward Dutton, exploring the negative impacts of low child mortality, the unprecedented propagation of mutated genes, and the myriad of eugenic methods that can be employed to get a handle on this. Taken from Episode #187 – Because You Are Gaffe Culture’s Dandiest Chav: References: […]

Synthetic Beauty & the Bicameral Mind Explained

Canada’s Dimes and Judas discuss the book “The Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” by Julian Jaynes, a fascinating book that proposes a very solid theory of what consciousness is, while arguing that ancient people throughout the world lacked this component of their existence and what changes occurred to bring us […]

Political Ponerology and the Science of Corruption

Dimes and Judas conduct an investigation of how mentally ill and psychologically corrupted people not only infect idealistic organizations but also hijack the power for their own evil purposes, citing the book “Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism” by Andrew M. Lobaczewski. Can evil be measured scientifically, tracked, or […]

Man Mutates Self With Creations to Conquer Entropy

ATTENTION AI CURIOUSERS: Dimes and Judas dive into the intricate process of crafting communications for perfect replication and the marriage of human and machine, citing book “The Human Use of Human Beings” by Norbert Weiner. This draws distinct parallels between the human brain and cybernetics regarding the divine purpose of creating messages that defy the […]

Liberalism’s Last Man and his Asylums of Clones

Dimes and Judas discuss a recent fake screenshot circulating regarding “Heaven Banning,” the process of segregating trolls and dissident voices into areas of platforms where they only communicate with bots. Springboarding from weaponized engagement holograms, they then discuss the book “The End of History and the Last Man” by Francis Fukuyama, specifically the philosophical foundation […]

Fleur de Least Resistance: The Essentiality of Contradictions

The Dynamism Duo briefy discuss how the anarcho-shitlib Hegelian dialectic critique of ideologies for internal consistency is largely irrelevant, and this leads right into a review of the book “Serviam” by Adrien Arcand, a famous Quebecois radical who attempted to reconcile Catholicism and Fascism in the land of the leafs. Taken from Episode #173 – […]

Choice Architecture: Defaulted by a Matrix of Manipulation

The BOLG Boyz talk about the concept of Choice Architecture and how society is secretly controlled by false choices and a matrix of subtle manipulation, citing the book Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein. Everyone in society has conventions they passively follow which reinforce trends, and these are different across civilizations. Can this be […]

A Vest of Black Swans: Creating Organizations That Survive Uncertainty

On the dual topics of probability and uncertainty in world events, Dimes and Judas dive into the book “The Black Swan” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Using this as an extension on their previous investigation of predicting economics with fractal mathematics, they discuss an organizational strategy for business, government, and radical movements that attempts to practically […]

The Fractal Financial Model and Alcoholism Streaks

Dimes (Mood Universe) and Judas (Sex Universe) conduct an in-depth discussion of the mechanics of alcoholism and insider reports from Alcoholics Anonymous, using it as a launchpad to discuss the role of fractal geometry in the financial market, citing the book “The (Mis)behavior of Markets: A Fractal View of Financial Turbulence” by legendary mathematician Benoit […]

Game Theory Recognize Game Theory State Of Mind

Dimes and Judas explore criticisms and relevant aspects of Game Theory, including the books “Thinking Strategically: The Competitive Edge in Business, Politics, and Everyday Life” by Avinash K. Dixit, “Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction” by Ken Binmore, and “The Infinite Game” by Simon Sinek. They explain why game theory is a valid area of […]

Hyperborean Transmission: How White Men Went From Arctic Laser Giants to Board Shorts Respecters

Dimes and Judas dive into the mythology of Aryan polar myths of Hyperborea, exploring the book “Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism and Nazi Survival” by Joscelyn Godwin. Drawing from a varity of esotericists, theosophists, and the occasional schizophrenic, this lays out the entire framework and surprising scientific backing of this set of esoteric […]