When China Takes Over Part 2
Dimes and Judas discuss China, including the mainstream media trying to turn us all against them, but also the very real reasons everyone should be afraid of China.
Dimes and Judas discuss China, including the mainstream media trying to turn us all against them, but also the very real reasons everyone should be afraid of China.
Dimes and Judas have a whale of a time talking about the latest Syrian mass murder in relation the media narratives betting on it being white, hating on Milo Yiannopolous trying to be straight, the Syrian grocery store shooting, Chinese supremacy warnings, the Faustian imperative of Europeans, dealing with problematic clients, and more!
Dimes and Judas discuss Democracy: The God that Failed by Hans Herman-Hoppe and get into a WHOLE RIFF on similar things. It’s about Libertarianism, Monarchy, and Dimes wanting to have an insane king.
Judas (Yood) and Dimes (Die) And You (Fan) explore the book Democracy: The God that Failed by Hans Herman Hoppe. It’s about libertarianism + nationalism, and the misconceptions therein. There’s also some bits about Italian KKK, Hannibal Lecter defending Military Traitors, Women hating movies Men like, and MORE JUST LISTEN!
Dimes and Judas take us on a ride discussing 4th Generational Warfare Handbook by William Lind and Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice by David Galula. Come on and learn about how propaganda, de-escalation, and literally becoming your enemy works.
The BOLG (BAD OPTICS LEAF GODS) BOYZ discuss many things, first off the breakdown of insurrectionist warfare care of the books Counterinsurgency Warfare by David Galula and 4th Generational Warfare by Will Lind. Also there’s parts about Blacks Vs. Asians, the tribulations of starting a Right Wing political party, and dunking on Jamaicans in Toronto.
We’re having a good time over here, it’s about: John Cusack’s Career, Torrenting as Activism & Fringe Platforms, Digital Independence, and Techniques to Fix the Dissident Right.