A 100% Safe Defense of Lynching

Won’t Let Me Embed for Some Reason: https://odysee.com/@BloodSatellite:3/Defense-of-Lynching:6?r=4K9vWjSzF9VtL5yAMQkhmaYdToiPjKZb Dimes and Judas pursue possibly their most dangerous novelty take thus far and mount a defense of lynching as justice in the form of the will of the people when the system breaks down, and proposes the actions of the neo-peasantry as representative of the very soul […]

#141 – Good Svffer [->VerifiedSafeShow<-]

This episode sees Dimes and Judas speaking on being haunted by Dinesh D’Souza, a rigid defense of lynching, Rothschild in Antarctica, the irreversable civilizational downfall of European/Western people being deeper than racial identity, a recap of the recent Canadian election, Orange Shirt Day in Canada, and the coverlap of property rights and victims of theft […]

Chessboard of Shadows: The CIA and Jouvenelian Power Centralization

Dimes and Judas discuss the topic of international power centralization irrespective of ideology, primarily using the CIA as an example but also including other international power brokers and their funding of populist movements. The primary resources cited are Nemesis by CA Bond and The Devil’s Chessboard by David Talbot. Taken from Episode #139 – HELP […]


Dimes and Judas dive deeper into the sordid history of CIA and provide a larger discussion as how power as an entity in itself attempts to centralize itself even against its own institutions, citing the books Nemesis by CA Bond and The Devil’s Chessboard by David Talbot. Also discussed is African towns operating like carnivals, […]

The Hurricanes of Biological Warfare Narratives

Dimes and Judas explore the history of germ and biological warfare experiments across the globe and the covert operations conducted by various actors, but focusing primarily on America. Sourcing from the books Lab 257 by Michael Carroll and Baseless by Nicholson Baker, they draw parallels with Covid 19 and the motivations of 21st century science. […]

#138 – Pregnant Dixie Anne Frank Respecters [theabssolutestateofgerm]

There’s an audio problem for Dimes in the first bit but it fixes itself before long. Dimes and Judas discuss the history of Germ/Biological Warfare done globally throughout the 20th century, but primarily by the United States and often on its own people, using the books Baseless by Nicholson Baker and Lab 257 by Michael […]