#109 – HODL THE T-POSE [ah ching jayzis chong mode]

BOLG Boys are in GameStop Wall Street Insurrection mode while discussing the larger topic of private finance and the history of the American Federal Reserve. Along the way there’s a review of Maya Angelou’s widely-hated poem “Still I Rise,” raising teenagers, the Chinese Irish Catholic Eucharist, insufferable comedian podcasts, and Skyrim.

#81 – Vote For Black Trans Buzz Lightyear [flex upon the unflexxxable]

In this extremely dynamic episode, we’re still talking about black people like pretty much everybody else, but there’s a whole arc where we discuss owning the future by rewriting the past, a review of Canada in Decay by Ricardo Duchesne, the history of liberalism and its inability to exist with real politics, the impossibility of […]

#61 – Lord of the Drops and Prince of China Eating Theyselvez [more movie flimflam sorry]

This one we are talking about the China virus that’s gonna kill us all with an on-the-ground report from Judas, we got some video game and movie news, American Election nonsense and the Theater of Bernie Attacks, Andrew Anglin, Mike Enoch Vs. Destiny, and some nice riffs. Subscribe Below to Get Access to the Episode

#59 – Intrepid Freaks Projected Upon Cold Portals [WW3 Fails To Ruin Non-Binary Day]

Sneaking this in at the 11th hour so nobody is allowed to get the guff shovels. In this episode the BOLG boys get into everything going on with Iran and this cool new world war, #IAmNonBinary trending strongly in Canada, Dimes is getting into tartar sauce and has some final thoughts on Knives Out, and […]

#52 – The Intersection of Noticing and Punishment [if it pleases the court mode]

Dimes and Judas do a real banter about being banned from Milo’s telegram channel, the strange case of Robert Champagne, Don Cherry being fired over the immigrant poppy incident, and the rest of it is a whole how-do-you-do about “deradicalization” and the step-by-step process of how people get to this place. It’s full of mirth. […]

#48 – Jagmeet Will Make Nuclear Pussy Mandatory [Rape Jury Duty]

This one is pretty aimless and we will do better next time. The boys once again discuss the Canadian elections, Raver being enthusiastically molested, mono-racial extraterrestrials demanding genocide for interstellar travel, and then a bunch of stories about screaming at women and calling them whores, and Judas meeting a Jewish stereotype. Subscribe Below to Get […]

#45 – Unionbuster Dimes With Full Arm Todd McFarlane Gun [Political Blackface Extravaganza]

This one’s going up a couple days early because I have a wedding later this week and won’t have time to post it. So this one deals with the Canadian Federal election. Trudeau getting caught multiple times wearing black/brownface and his constituency not being terribly upset about it, refugees and newcomers” having no concept of […]

#43 – Just Complaining About Teachers Pretty Much [movie sissification hypnosis]

The boyz spend most of this talking about how teachers suck, they invent a new better ethnostate with a chill Tom Waits anthem, and Dimes uses 12 Angry Men as an example of well executed but agenda-driven cinema that everyone loves but nobody questions, and there’s some other anecdotes and weird stories in there. Subscribe […]

#41 – Mr. Ponzi’s Radicalization Funhouse [terminally yikespilled ONLY]

Dimes N Judas talk about the linguistic game to tether the word “radicalization” solely to white movements, Judas gives us the third part of the Hong Kong protest report, Dimes talks about a dope he knows who tried to get everyone into a ponzi scheme, and there’s a whole part discussing Your Ward News and […]

#20 – The Mulligan Showe [Transcontinental Belligerence Purveyors]

Dimes douglassed the whole thing by having the wrong mic, but otherwise this is a real comfy episode of anecdotes about Dimes getting in a fight with a whole grocery store, working as dishwashers, Judas firing a bipolar woman, and having to hide opinions in leftist work environments. Subscribe Below to Get Access to the […]