#104 – Christmas is now Dissmas, and You’re All Fat [Beating a Dead Usury]

Bad Optics Leaf Gods are on the case doing bits about War Crime Top Gun, Wakanda being GTA San Andreas, Star Wars as it relates to Frankenstein Hyperreality, and Scottish Horny Pitbull Dogbreeder. Lastly, a discussion on central banking across time, how it works, what its implications are, and how it is relevant to modern […]

#103 – Your Life as a Stock Establishing Shot [009100106]

Boisz talmbout Cyberpunk 2077 and Right Wing people disconnecting from mainstream culture, Barack Obama’s favourite books, and a Chris-Chan/Lolcow thing. Finally, the book War of the Flea by Robert Taber and how guerrilla revolutionary uprisings across countries in the 20th century mirror what we are dealing with now, including their influences, tactics, evolution, and how […]

#101 – Say Syke… To Society [goin into saying-like-too-much-rehab ttfn]

In this episode, the BOLG boys talk about the recent Adamsson BBQ protest in Toronto, the need for the Right to have an energy crucible explained through the philosophy of Oswald Spengler’s Man and Technics, surviving covid-19 by becoming an Appalachian cult cannibal leader, and a big end discussing recent Epstein developments mixed with a […]

#100 – Coom Begins in the Soul [sl100kstravaganza]

Welcome to Episode 100. We talk about the book Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam, aligning dreams with reality, corporate plans for attacking right-wing groups in 2021, appreciation of violent groups, making fun of heavy metal lyrics, and IT’S EPISODE 100 JUST HAVE FUN DUDE. Timecodes: 14:05 –  Autistic Blackface and Clone Army22:30 – APB the […]