Gio Pennachietti (GiantGio) Interview

Episode Too Long to Embed, Click Here:$/download/giantgio-interview/5835afc0ad73fffa09a1c1bff300405132ed409a   Dimes and Judas (!!!) have a lively and joyous discussion with the great Gio Pennacchietti (AKA GiantGio) wherein they discuss the cultural significance of Nu Metal, the power of political aesthetics, and the essentiality of beauty for a thriving human system.

The Story Of How “Judeo Christianity” Was Invented in the 20th Century

Judas and Dimes discuss the book “Tri Faith America: How Catholics and Jews Held Postwar America to Its Protestant Promise” by Kevin Schultz. Here Dimes tells the ill-fated story of how Catholic and Jewish minorities united to dethrone Protestantism in post-WW2 America, united to create a state-and-advertiser supported campaign for this new thing called Judeo-Christianity, […]

#184 – Ya Can’t Jailbreak A Midwit There Bud [“ants with my husband after season”]

Dimes and Judas discuss the Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s thottery as a geopolitical indictment of women having fun, a brief review of the latest worst movie ever Day Shift starring Jamie Foxx, the impossibility of appealing midwits as a strategic hurdle, and the recent lifting of Covid restrictions in America contrasted against Canada’s lone […]

Political Ponerology and the Science of Corruption

Dimes and Judas conduct an investigation of how mentally ill and psychologically corrupted people not only infect idealistic organizations but also hijack the power for their own evil purposes, citing the book “Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism” by Andrew M. Lobaczewski. Can evil be measured scientifically, tracked, or […]

#183 – Garrulousness that Breaks from Reality [“hateplane now that’s a based on about perfect people as a taste it”]

Dimes and Judas dive right into the recent FBI investigation to Donald Trump, including the aftermath of Trump supporters taking direct actions, leading into a discussion of what current political groups can do to offer an alternative to shootouts with the police when you feed them daily updates about how the system is corrupt. They […]

SSRI Fraud and Tavistock’s Macro-Psychiatry

The BOLG boys discuss the implications of driving two generations insane through barely-understood SSRIs and how this relates to the weaponization of psychology, grounded in a discussion of the book “Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses” by Daniel Estulin. They compare the lofty accusations against Tavistock with their very real motives and connections, explaining the […]

#182 – Contract Consent with a Grain of Steroids [“on so much low blood out of walking around scamming”]

After taking a week off due to African Priest related chicanery, Judas recounts finally fleeing Hong Kong and landing square between the conflict of China vs. Nancy Pelosi in a Taiwanese airport. After dissecting the recent admission that depression and chemical imbalances in the brain are no longer connected, the BOLG boys discuss the implications […]