BSNL#12 – Canadian Communists Made a Documentary

1 comment on “BSNL#12 – Canadian Communists Made a Documentary

  1. Concerned Sodomite August 23, 2024 / Reply

    Fun fact, workers unions are even worse in Europe in some countries, though they are less of a criminal mob but rather an additional partially state funded arm of the government run by mostly garbage people that are also involved the lefty/green parties sitting in Parlament.

    I also want to say that movie corner is a great segment.
    I really appreciated the last one were you also talked about “the shield”.
    With each episode I watched I progressively understood why dimes would like the series.
    At first I thought it was because of that bald protagonists, but then when the side stories about that black rookie cop started to pick up, I knew what was up…
    Still, it’s 100% a show to put on 1.5x speed, as are 95% of all shows tbh.

    More guests appearances from the pan European guy would be sweet as well.
    A guy working in sales as a guest would also be most likely a blast, that line of work always provides great anecdotes.

    Last thing: I would recommend the book “advanced magic for beginners by A. Chapmann, it’s a short, fun read that would be good content for the show, especially if pan can also give his comments on the book since there is a 75% chance he would have read it already.

    Keep up the good work

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