This one is mostly about fringe ideas, both as a tool of political control but also the danger of putting fringe identities at the center of society. There’s a whole section talking about salespeople too, a couple of bits at the top, and ironically killing cops. Oh and there’s a bunch of stuff about abortions.
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00:18 Trans Mountain
08:48 Raver Rejects Gumption
09:34 far right extremism vs antifa (violence)
12:37 gawking at the left (coming for your children)
15:45 Milo Yiannopolous, the Catholic Church, and Pedophile Cabals
22:38 Indian = Honk Kongs version of Blacks, Romeo Dialing
26:50 Being a Door-To-Door Salesman
29:30 Relationship Marketing/Selling Garbage
43:37 Stupid irritating Chinese kid dentistry
45:07 Main Topic – Abortion
50:26 A Full Throated Justification of Gang Banging
01:00:35 “Old White man tellin ya what to do” Fallacy
01:04:20 The Fringes put into the Center of Society and the War on Normalcy
01:16:17 Birth of a New Blood Satellite = More Accelerationism, More OxyContin